Total Swine Genetics is proud to supply maternal lines from the following companies:

DNA genetics        DNA_pig_2022.png



The Gold Standard. The DNA Line 241 is the engine of any sow farm delivering dependable and proven results for producers.  Her strong mothering capabilities result in high-quality, consistent litters with heavy wean weights, making her the most efficient mother in the industry. Already today, she has proven to wean 32+ superior pigs per sow per year that remain uniform through finishing. But that’s not all. Her feed efficiency and ability to reenter the herd post-weaning make her the preferred choice for producers wanting to maximize on their bottom lines.

That’s not all. The DNA Line 241 is on target to deliver 14 pigs that are 14 pounds at 21 days of weaning – each and every litter!             14pig14lb

A cross between purebred Yorkshire and Landrace lines is the foundation for the DNA Line 241 gilt. Each line is undergoing continuous genetic improvement for those traits that support achieving 14|14|21 including industry-leading pig survivability and robustness, weaning the pigs she actually produces at higher wean weights and contributing to the grow-finish performance of her offspring.

With research access to 71,000 DNA Line 241 sows and 2 million full-program offspring, we know how our program works. As the only swine genetics provider with a commercial swine production sister company, we’re able to measure genetic improvement in a commercial environment.

For more information on DNA Genetics, visit


genesus Genesus Genetics is the world leader in hyper prolific gilts being produced from the largest registered purebred herd in the world. Our teams of geneticists and meat scientists have been the back bone that has allowed hundreds of our customers to produce more than 25 Pigs Weaned per Sow in a calendar year and put our top herds over 30 PWSY. Our sire line genetics are based on science and data that transfers into real results for you, our customer.

  • Genesus has the largest independent registered purebred swine herd in the world
  • Genesus registers 40.5% of all registered purebred breeding stock in Canada
  • Genesus nucleus primary genetics consist of registered Yorkshire, Landrace and Duroc
  • Genesus swine health is excellent, meeting and exceeding all veterinarian and export-import demands
  • Genesus has and is spending millions of dollars in Genetic Improvement, Scientific Research and Development
  • Genesus has four geneticists managing and providing expertise
  • Genesus maternal lines have proven excellence at the commercial level. Genesus customers have more herds over 30 pigs and 25 pigs weaned in customer percentage than any other Genetic company
  • The Genesus Duroc Terminal Sire has dominated in independent studies on growth rate, feed conversion and carcass characteristics. Genesus market hogs have high packer acceptance
  • Genesus since 1998 has analyzed thousands of terminal sire lines for all carcass qualities. These weekly tests include Backfat, loin, pH, color, tenderness, intramuscular fat, primal weights, etc. We are aware of no other genetic company that has, for over a decade, tested such carcass characteristics
  • The Genesus multiplication system provides high volumes of high health gilts
  • Artificial Insemination studs located throughout North America provide the same day delivery of Genesus terminal and maternal semen
  • Genesus has export expertise, having sent thousands of breeding stock by land and air with great success
  • Genesus is owned and operated by the principals of the company. Genesus personnel are dedicated professionals with the swine industry

For more information on Genesus, visit



Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, is part of the #1 global breeding company, active in swine genetics. We are committed to providing superior genetics that supports profitability in the pork value chain. Hypor’s Head Office is located in Boxmeer, The Netherlands, while also having strategically located breeding centers in North America, Europe and Asia. Our North America office is located in Kitchener, Ontario.

Hypor Libra*

A cross between the Hypor Landrace and Hypor Large White; the Hypor Libra* is the most efficient sow and she gives you the highest quality piglets that easily become valuable finishers. The balance between the sow’s prolificacy and reproductive efficiency results is a commercial sow that produces and weans a high number of uniform piglets per year, without compromising her ability to produce the next litter. The Hypor Libra* will excel in any housing system because of selection for strong feet and legs and calm temperament in our breeding program. Hypor is setting the standard in sustainable swine breeding by providing a sow with efficient lifetime productivity of quality offspring.

Libra proof points2020


BioHypor is an advanced self-replacement system that is designed for customers who want to have a high level of biosecurity and achieve constant genetic progress through direct links to the Hypor database and Hypor-controlled boar studs. This is done through a one-time delivery of purebred gilts (Large White or Landrace) to establish a mini-nucleus within a farm. These purebreds will maintain the purebred population and generate the F1 (crossbred) sow for commercial production.



EasyHypor is a less intensive form of BioHypor, where there is no direct link to the Hypor database. There is still a one-time delivery of purebred gilts to maintain the purebred and create the F1 (crossbred) populations, but information from the database is not used to make mating decisions. You can still expect a high level of biosecurity and steady genetic progress with this system.

For more information about Hypor, please visit our website  or contact one of our representatives.

Topigs NorsvinTopigs Norsvin is "THE WORLD"S MOST INNOVATIVE SWINE GENETICS COMPANY". Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Topigs Norsvin Canada Canadian is a wholly owned subsidiary of Topigs Norsvin, headquartered in The Netherlands. Manitoba, Canada is home to two Genetic Nucleus farms of Topigs Norsvin. These farms participate with many other International Genetic Nucleus herds in the Topigs Norsvin program worldwide. Topigs Norsvin has both nucleus and multiplication units located throughout Canada.

Topigs Norsvin supplies North America with high health, genetically stress free stock. Consumer focused, long term selection for meat quality has resulted in a stress free animal, with the desired carcass traits and exceptional meat quality that today's packer and customer demand. Topigs Norsvin breeding stock provides excellent production and superior growth and feed efficiency from a user-friendly animal.

Balanced breeding

Our starting point in breeding is the animal. The Topigs Norsvin pig must remain robust and easy to handle; it must maintain balance while the improvement of a trait must not lead to problems in the pig"s other traits. An example of balanced breeding is our focus on piglet vitality. In breeding vital piglets, piglet mortality has not increased even though the number of live-born piglets per litter has increased strongly over the past few years.

Service and Knowledge

Topigs Norsvin develops and markets both genetics and know how. Topigs Norsvin customers are supported by a team of specialists in the area of breeding, nutrition, health and carcass quality. A wealth of knowledge in combination with practical experience is available to all customers, forming a sound basis for your successful operation.
With production & sales of more than 1.55 million crossbred gilts and over 8 million doses of semen per year, Topigs Norsvin is one of the biggest swine genetics suppliers in the world. Each year more than 90 million slaughter pigs are produced with Topigs Norsvin genetics.

Please visit our website